Monday, February 25, 2013

New Friends!

We've had a busy week. We started it with the 3rd anniversary party of the Black Dog Bar & Tables, a little bar down on dock street that has a pretty fabulous bottled beer selection. They had 2 great bands and a bunch of us from the Tiki Bar met up for a fun evening.
Royce and Jay in the barber chairs at Black Dog
We saw a Facebook (FB) post that some NuRVers were on their way into Cedar Key last Monday and we were super excited to meet them because they were from South Lake Tahoe! I wasn't sure if they were actually "from" there or if that was their last stop because quite often we full-timers will change our "Lives in" section on FB if we happen to be parked for an extended period of time. Like, right now, FB says that I "live in" Cedar Key, FL, but most often it says South Lake Tahoe, which is the last place we actually lived in a house. Anyway, I was excited to meet them, Julie was about my age and that's always fun - and as we all know, Tahoe peeps are the best! We were not disappointed.

Our boat hitch
We dragged them over to the tiki bar, to yoga and just about everywhere we went, but we had a super spectacular day on Friday when they rented kayaks and we brought our canoe down to the dock to put in where they were. It was also the first time we used our super cool boat hitch that we got when we bought the boat. It is a piece that hooks onto your hitch and extends way out so you can throw the canoe in the back and secure the part that is sticking out of the car. It makes it super easy to bring the canoe with you short distances without putting it up on the top of the car.
Julie, Colin and Jay at the Tiki Bar

Pizza night at the Tiki Bar
The weather cooperated and we didn't have to worry too much about the tides since we were going to use the boat ramp. We each packed a lunch and some drinks and set off around noon. We took them over to Atsena Otie Key which has a quite a rich history of war and industry. I've been on the island and there is a super cool old cemetery on it and the remains of a civilization that once lived there. Bill has kayaked around it and now so have Julie and Colin. Unfortunately we had such a great time paddling around and through the island that we only made it to one of the remote little beaches to picnic and chill.
Julie and Colin in their kayaks

Chillin' on a remote corner of the island.  Loved Julie's super cool chair and shade.
Last night we all headed over to the Tiki Bar to watch the Oscar's for a bit and we bid adieu to our new friends whom I am sure we will meet down the road, or in Tahoe!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful to meet you and Bill and get the royal treatment in Cedar Key. Now we know why you love it so much! Miss you already.

    J & C


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